A heatmap allows you to view your website visitors mouse actions. It gives you valuable insights as to what your clients are focusing on, what they're distracted by and what they ignore completely.
If the idea is to create the most exceptional user experience, it'd be important to know this, right?
Using this analysis, you will be able to adjust your website to direct traffic to the areas that matter most to your business.
This could mean:
- increasing your direct sales
- getting more followers on social media
- gaining more exposure to your blog
- promoting an upcoming event or sale
I've experimented with Hotjar - a FREE analytical tool offering you 14-days to do as much testing as possible. No credit card required!
1) Signup for the free trial at Hotjar (link above)
2) Follow instructions to get the Heatmap code installed in your website's Header tag. They have really great instructions, so I won't try to replicate them here. You will also be given the option to record visitors movement. (Pretty amazing stuff, hey?)
(WIX Users: Wix JUST LAST MONTH gave us the ability to use these types of tools - I found this tutorial to help you install it on your Wix site )
3) Over the next 14 days, your website visitors are tracked, recorded and available for analysis within your Hotjar account.
4) Things to watch for:
RED = ACTION : areas shown in red are your hot spots. Areas in red are likely your calls-to-actions or buttons. If they are NOT buttons, you need to ask yourself "Why are these people hovering or clicking in this particular spot?" Does it make sense? If not, your website needs a change.
COMPARE YOUR MOBILE VS DESKTOP RESULTS : what are your visitors most interested in while searching on mobile? How about on the desktop? Are they different? We'll need to infer why. Do people viewing on mobile tend to miss a certain call-to-action - BOOM. Website changes required.
Here's to creating a better customer experience - and ultimately bringing more bucks into the bank.